Pizza/Pizza Bases Naturally Glutenfree

is it Pizza/Pizza Bases gluten free?


Pizza/Pizza Bases

Name: Pizza/Pizza Bases
Brand: Naturally Glutenfree,
Resource of information: Gluten Free Eating Directory, Australia ()
Notes: Commencing production in 2007, Naturally Glutenfree produces a range of gluten free breads, buns and pizza bases. Quinoa is the main ingredient of all their products and milling it themselves at the bakery ensures freshness, consistency and no chance of cross contamination. With no soy, nuts, preservatives, artificial flavours, oils or any animal products, Naturally Glutenfree's breads are as close as it can get to the traditional way bread was made (flour and water), making them suitable for Vegetarian and Vegan diets as well. With a long history of baking and coeliac disease in the family, and great passion for what they do, the owners have great confidence in their product and aim to create excellent gluten free baked goods. Naturally Glutenfree's product range includes 800g loaves (Classic, Fruit & Spice, Polenta, Mediterranean and the Crunch), as well as buns (8 per pack) and pizza bases (2 per pack). You can find these products in fridges at Health food shops, Delis and organic/natural Grocers. They offer a mail order service for anyone that can't make it to an outlet.

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