Convenience Foods cooksimple

is it Convenience Foods gluten free?


Convenience Foods

Name: Convenience Foods
Brand: cooksimple,
Resource of information: Gluten Free Eating Directory, Australia ()
Notes: cooksimple... healthy cooking made easy cooksimple produce a diverse range of easy and delicious starter meals, and they're all gluten free. Made with all natural ingredients, the starter kits are based on leaner proteins, lower sugar, and more fibre so you feel full longer. Ready in about 30 minutes, each box has easy-to-follow directions for foolproof tasty cooking. With a long shelf life, the kits make a handy addition to your pantry! Varieties include: Cowboy Chilli Cranberry Wild Rice Punjabi Coconut curry New Orleans Jambalaya Tibetan Dal Trade enquiries are welcome.

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