Rendered Duck Fat, 4 oz. Jar Glatt Organics

is it Rendered Duck Fat, 4 oz. Jar gluten free?


Rendered Duck Fat, 4 oz. Jar

Name: Rendered Duck Fat, 4 oz. Jar
Brand: Glatt Organics,
Category: Duck,
Symbol: Antibiotic Free, Kosher L\'Pesach, OU Meat, Pelleh Poultry,
Resource of information: Glatt Organics ()

Product Description

Duck fat has similar qualities to olive oil. It has a delicate flavor and is the healthy alternative to butter adding its distinctive, delicate flavor to all your favorite dishes.

Duck fat can withstand high cooking temperatures better than butter.

Try it, and taste the difference!

NOTE: This product is no more listed in this database and it might be not kosher anymore. It was last updated on 2024-03-19
NOTE: This product is no more listed in this database and it might be not gluten-free anymore. It was last updated on 2024-03-19

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