Beverages Billabong Brewing

is it Beverages gluten free?



Name: Beverages
Brand: Billabong Brewing,
Resource of information: Gluten Free Eating Directory, Australia ()
Notes: Billabong Brewing is a leader in gluten free beers, with four gluten free beers available - Australia's Pale Ale, Blonde, Ginger Beer and Apple Beer. In 2008, Billabong Brewing won two awards for their gluten free beer at the Melbourne "International Beer Awards" - a Silver medal for "Australia's Pale Ale" and a Bronze medal for their "Blonde" variety. In Sydney, Billabong Brewing received a Bronze award for "Australia's Pale Ale", and in Perth they were presented with show trophies for 'Best Gluten Free Draught' and 'Best Gluten Free Packaged Beer.' For a full description of their gluten free beers and selling outlets, visit the Billabong Brewing website (click link on this page). Trade enquiries are welcome.

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