Micah's Mouthwatering Corn Bread Mix 1-2-3 Gluten Free

is it Micah's Mouthwatering Corn Bread Mix gluten free?


Micah's Mouthwatering Corn Bread Mix

Name: Micah's Mouthwatering Corn Bread Mix
Brand: 1, 2, 3 Gluten Free,
Category: fortified mixes,
Resource of information: 1-2-3 Gluten Free ()
Notes: All mixes can be made egg free and dairy free with substitutions for all the recipes. You add your own sweetener or you choose to leave it out and you have true Southern style corn bread with no sugar at all. Enjoy the corn bread hot out of the oven or use it to make a wonderful stuffing. This mix named after my nephew Micah, can be made into jalapeño cheddar,his favorite,  or even a pecan cranberry cornmeal cake for those who can not tolerate rice flours. Recipes Cranberry Pecan Cornmeal Cake
Pecan Corn Bread
Corn Bread Stuffing
Traditional Thanksgiving Stuffing (egg-free)

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